
General Elections in India 1945 1946

April 8, 2024  |  371 views

General Elections in India, December 1945 – January 1946

The General Elections in India 1945-46 were the last elections held before independence. Congress emerged as the largest party while Muslim League faired well.

End of Second World War

April 8, 2024  |  337 views

द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध की समाप्ति, 2 सितम्बर, 1945

द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध, जो 1 सितंबर, 1939 को शुरू हुआ था, की औपचारिक समाप्ति का घटनाचक्र, जो समाप्त 2 सितंबर, 1945 को हो गया ।

End of Second World War

April 8, 2024  |  218 views

End of Second World War, September 2, 1945

Events leading to the formal end of Second World War on September 2, 1945 which started on September 1, 1939.

General Elections in UK July 1945 Hindi

March 30, 2024  |  255 views

यूके / ब्रिटेन में आम चुनाव, जुलाई 1945

जुलाई 1945 में ब्रिटेन में हुए आम चुनावों में क्लेमेंट एटली के नेतृत्व में लेबर पार्टी को भारी जीत मिली।

UK general elections 1945

April 8, 2024  |  262 views

UK General Elections, July 1945

UK general elections held in July 1945 led to massive victory of the Labour Party, under the leadership of Clement Attlee.

cabinet Mission plan March-May 1946

April 8, 2024  |  1108 views

Cabinet Mission, March-May 1946, Its Members, Plan

The announcement and coming of the Cabinet Mission to India was an important point during the Indian National Movement. Background  …