UPSC CSE 2023 – Prelims – General Studies Paper I

UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam 2023, General Studies – I, Question 3

Question 3: Consider the following trees: 1. Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) 2. Mahua (Madhuca indica) 3. Teak (Tectona grandis) How many… Read More

4 months ago

UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam 2023, General Studies – I, Question 2 : Kamarajar Port : First major port in India registered as a company

Question 2: Consider the following pairs: Port   Well known as 1. Kamarajar Port : First major port in India… Read More

4 months ago

UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam 2023, General Studies – I, Question 1 : Jhelum River passes through Wular Lake

Question 1: Consider the following statements: 1. Jhelum River passes through Wular Lake. 2. Krishna River directly feeds Kolleru Lake.… Read More

4 months ago

Best Answer on Stupa Buddhist origin, a repository of relics, and a votive and commemorative structure in Buddhist tradition.

UPSC Civil Services (Prelims) Exam 2023, General Studies Paper I Question With reference to ancient India, consider the following statements:… Read More

4 months ago

In which one of the following regions was Dhanyakataka, which flourished as a prominent Buddhist centre under the Mahasanghikas, located

UPSC Civil Services (Prelims) Exam 2023, General Studies Paper I Question In which one of the following regions was Dhanyakataka,… Read More

4 months ago

Vattakirutal mentioned in Sangam poems

Vattakirutal mentioned in Sangam poems question in UPSC Civil Services (Prelims) Exam 2023 - General Studies - Paper I -… Read More

6 months ago